in favour of的用法与搭配
1. 赞成
2. 赞成,支持,有利于
3. 赞成,主张
4. 支持,赞同
5. 支持,赞成
6. 以^为受益人
7. 有利于
- The political argument in favour of reform is strong .
- 支持政治改革的理由是不容小觑的。
- There is no consensus in favour of changing this dramatically .
- 对急剧改变这一模式的支持还没达成一致。
- Many usually placid african countries have experienced demonstrations in favour of more representative government .
- 平常不少与世无争的非洲国家都经历了赞成各自政府的示威活动。
- This is the profound truth in favour of choice and the market .
- 这是一条深刻的真理,它有利于选择、有利于市场。
- That scenario argues in favour of us treasuries .
- 上述形势倒是给美国国债带来有利影响。
- There are decent arguments in favour of giving governments such powers .
- 确实有一些正当的理由来支持政府拥有这类权力。
- First came its decision to vote in favour of un sanctions against colonel qaddafi .
- 首先,中国在联合国制裁卡扎菲的决议上投了赞成票。
- Before the financial crisis the consensus was strongly in favour of insiders .
- 在金融危机之前业界的普遍看法强烈支持局内人。
- The research adds weight to arguments in favour of more openness on trade .
- 这项研究结果为支持开放贸易的观点增添了砝码。
- This year it pushed networks to cut entertainment programming in favour of morally edifying shows .
- 今年,广电总局又推动各电视台减少娱乐节目,转而开办道德建设栏目。